It takes more than one game to find your flow; to connect body and soul. The goal is to keep trying; not giving up. Keep working to improve your game, don't give up your dreams; it takes several attempts. Keep buying the game and you will see progress; be persistent with your dreams and you will see that they are possible.
--mestre Itabora Ferreira

Sunday, January 17, 2010

macaco: day 1

Not long ago, our beloved Calamari asked us (UCQI '09) to pick two acrobatic moves that we wanted to learn the most (basic au and role excluded). We are supposed to have mastered those two moves by the end of feb '10 (do you think its a short time? i do). After consulting couple friends, i decided to pick macaco and au batido.

so today i had my first macaco lesson with Graduado Tartaruga. well i did try but it didn't turn out really good. i think my arms weren't strong enough to lift my legs. Whenever my legs were up in the air, they kept going back down (in a pretty ugly and painful way, i landed on my knee). Tartaruga said i was pretty close to finish the macaco, i just needed to give it more power and confidence. i think he was right. i don't have th GUTS to do a macaco. really its not about strong arms nor anything else. its about GUTS.

i'm sorry, i could've done better.

Love, Gee


Syndi O said...

hm,,, aq aja belom bisa2 tuh macaco... mungkin masih kurang berani juga..
ayo kita berjuang sampe bisa macaco!! =)

Aziza Muis said...

iya nih kak, gimana ya munculin berani nya? ayo semangat macaco!!

Syndi O said...

hm... numbuhin berani emang susah sih! kita harus ngeyakinin diri sendiri dulu kalo apa yg bakal kita lakuin misalnya macaco, ga akan bikin kita sakit parah banget, ya paling banter memarlah! nah, aq jg masih belom bisa ngilangin takutnya.

um, saran dari aku, klo latian akrobatik mending d rumput ato matras, apalagi klo latiannya sendiri. soalnya kadang itu sedikit numbuhin keberanian jg buat kita. dan kalo beneran jatuh, ga akan sakit banget.
klo latian d tmpt yg alasnya keras, pas jatoh dan sakit biasanya jadi trauma. tp sesekali latian d yg keras gapapa, utk melatih keberanian tp kitanya jg harus hati2.

itu berdasarkan pengalaman aja sih. saran dari graduados pasti lebih membantu =)