It takes more than one game to find your flow; to connect body and soul. The goal is to keep trying; not giving up. Keep working to improve your game, don't give up your dreams; it takes several attempts. Keep buying the game and you will see progress; be persistent with your dreams and you will see that they are possible.
--mestre Itabora Ferreira

Monday, March 1, 2010

This Made Me LOL part 2

so the followings are the conversation on a photo on fb, not the full convo, just the funny part. edited but the contains are stil original :)

Arya tanggal 19 katanya uts fisika,bener ga?
JoJo asekh posternye
bkny kimia yah tgl itu?
Arya entah,gosip yg bredar di kelas gw mengatakan,setelah kalkulus bukan fisika,tapi 2 minggu kemudian baru fisika
JoJo iy tah?
asek dah
Arya namun bisa saja itu salah
JoJo bisa juga itu benar
Hairil semoga g uts
JoJo wah kekny gosip dr Hairil bener tuh
Hairil ini doa bukan gosip, hehe...
JoJo wah gw bantu doain gosipny deh
Hairil sekali lagi, ini doa bukan gosip, hehe...
JoJo aduh kena fake gosip

kuliah dlo ah >.>
Hairil sekali lagi, ini doa bukan fake gosip, hehe...
JoJo oke
saya bantu doanya dgn gosip
Ami fake gosip = fakta
JoJo fake gosip itu doa Kak kata si Hairil