It takes more than one game to find your flow; to connect body and soul. The goal is to keep trying; not giving up. Keep working to improve your game, don't give up your dreams; it takes several attempts. Keep buying the game and you will see progress; be persistent with your dreams and you will see that they are possible.
--mestre Itabora Ferreira

Sunday, May 23, 2010

i got hospitalized D:

i feel like i have to post something because couple of important things happen in the past few months. Im not gonna talk much about it so here it is:

the 1st one is the 3rd batizado e troca de corda quizumba capoeira. i finally got my first corda, yay!! too bad i dont really remember who batizado-ed me but im gonna find out real soon because i believe the pictures will be up soon (somewhere). The event itself was super great. i had to skip some classes to take the workshops but i was all worth it. the workshop was fun (but stil tiring, of course). i developed calluses during the workshop though so i couldnt do my best ginga and esquiva. but everything was stil worth doing. the batizado was the best (since it was the only batizado i had been to). I loved doing and watching the dances, loved the roda, loved the axe, and loved the capoeirista that actually came and played in the roda, and tha people that watched.

The second one is kadwil (kaderisasi wilayah). i had to skip the first day of kadwil because the date conflicted with the batizado day. but thank god i stil had day two of the kadwil. So, day two was pretty fun actually. it was all game. my favorite part was when we were asked to make a one layered circle. we thought we could not make the circle since the space wasn't big enough but then someone came up with the idea of making a really huge circle around the building. everyone holded hands with eachother while singing our yelyel. i think it was really beautiful.

i got hospitalized. yes, i am not kidding, and it was for dengue fever. Actually it was my first time being hospitalized, and getting an IV infusion. i was new with the whole hospital thing so i was kinda excited on the first day. people said i didn't look like a sick person. i even eat up my meal (yeah, that boring and so NOT mouth watering food). it was also nice to have my kalkulus 11 friends seeing me at the hospital. maybe that was one of the reasons why i felt pretty happy on the first day. The second day was okay, i was not as excited as i was on the first day but i still finished my meal. i was also optimistic that i was getting better that i could be unhospitalized real soon. My UCQI friends also came to see me so that kind of made my day. When it came to the 3rd day, things got pretty awful. I didn't finish my meal anymore. the worst part was i realized that it was impossible that the doctor would release me from the hospital soon enough to have my calculus final test. i was really depressed since i would have got a D if i didn't take this test. i cried all morning long at the hospital (no one knew about this). but then i went to sleep and had this weird dream about calculus. The dream was like telling me to accept the fact that i had to miss the test so i accepted it. I was hospitalized for about a week and i missed two final tests because of it. Through this post i wanna thank all my friends who came to see me and even those who spend the night at the hospital looking after me. Bobby, Rochvi, Nazar, Yudith, Okky, Risa, Ail, Obi, Tomy, Joshua, Rani, Kak Widodo, Kak Ira, Alam, Arya, Riza, Bama, Ferzy, Kak Rocky, Kak Bram, Kak Ami, Beffy, Bang vicky, Kak Tri, another Tomy, Intan, Ari, Sylvia and Shoraya (my sisters), and finally my mom. i couldn't remember all the people that actually came and im sorry for that. just let me know if you came and want me to put your names here.

and one more thing, i failed getting into geophysical engineering with petroleum eng GPA. this kind of makes me sad :(

peace out,


tamrin said...

Oiya za, pokoknya nanti diterima di jurusan manapun, berarti itu yang terbaik. Kadang saya juga gak semudah itu nerima kenyataan, tapi dengan terus menolak dan, saya justru gak berkembang.

Sama ceritanya ketika saya nyangka kalo saya salah masuk jurusan di minyak. Yang akhirnya IP saya jeblok abis setidaknya sampe semester 5.

Maaf nih, saya sotoy, hehe.. Sesekali main ke blog saya atuh. Semua kejadian yang penting selalu saya tulis.

Kali aja nanti saya ilang ingatan. Eh, ternyata setelah baca blog lagi, ingatan saya sembuh. haha (itu hanya angan-angan lebay) yuk ah...

Aziza Muis said...

thanks kak, masukannya sama critanya :)
saya udah beberapa kali kok mampir ke blog kk :D rajin update ya, ga kaya saya.

Tamrin said...

Bukan rajin apdet, tapi karena kurang kerjaan, hehe