It takes more than one game to find your flow; to connect body and soul. The goal is to keep trying; not giving up. Keep working to improve your game, don't give up your dreams; it takes several attempts. Keep buying the game and you will see progress; be persistent with your dreams and you will see that they are possible.
--mestre Itabora Ferreira

Monday, August 16, 2010

chakrasera INKM 2010, part 1: perangkat

Back in June 2010, I got to spend around 10 days in my hometown, Jambi. There was nothing much to do but, thank god, so much to eat. However, this post has nothing to do with my activity nor my eating behavior during that ten days. what matters here is what happened AFTER that ten days.

i kind of felt disappointed when i was told i couldn't be in the division that i wanted (keamanan). the INKM committee put me in divisi medik instead (they made me choose between medik and nonlap). I wasn't excited to attend the training session. Thanked god i had to do some capoeira performance with my quizumba family so i found a pretty good reason to skip the first session. Time went by and i started to like the training, there were a lot of new things to learn. But still, it was hard for me to be myself around so many people for a pretty long time. I tried to be nice and to remember everyone's names but i was never good at it.

In the division, i applied for a position called cakra/birawa in perangkat divisi. To get that position, we (the ones who applied for any positions in perangkat) had to get some exclusive training and the trainers would judge our performances in each session. Out of (about) 40 people that applied, 19 were eliminated and i was not one of them (i had never thought i would have been that far, really). so it was then official that the safe 21 were perangkat, or in other words, more responsibility to take for us. one of our responsibility was to make sure that the people that came in every session meet the quota the trainers set. the 21 of us stayed up late at night texting and calling people to make sure they would come on the following day. Then I realized i began to like--to feel comfortable to be around them :)


Pribadi said...


I just read your article

I didn't know that your first choice was 'security' division (baca : kemanan)

but I think you got an unforgettable experience in medical division

now is your turn as pendiklat to make 2010 has the same experience