It takes more than one game to find your flow; to connect body and soul. The goal is to keep trying; not giving up. Keep working to improve your game, don't give up your dreams; it takes several attempts. Keep buying the game and you will see progress; be persistent with your dreams and you will see that they are possible.
--mestre Itabora Ferreira

Monday, January 4, 2010

bad habits you have to go!!!

did i ever tell you that i passed the PBMP ITB test and im now in the Faculty of mining and petroleum engineering? haha, i know i didn't (im sucha bad blogger). now i've been studying in ITB for about four months but thats not important. what im going to tell you is that i met a lot of geniuses here. its obvious that my laziness doesn't help much in college. actually it doesn't help at all. it ruins my college life (just like my bad sleeping and eating habit). now i need to do something to save my college life and that something is getting rid of my bad habits. i know i have a lot of bad habits but now im just gonna focus on three things i mentioned before.

1. procrastinating
i think i don't need to say much about this. most people do this but i think i procrastinate a little bit more than most people do.
2. bad sleeping habit
i believe nine out of ten people agree that going to bed at 2am and waking up at 12pm is definitely not a good example of good sleeping behavior. So most people agree that my sleeping behavior is horrible. I wakeup around 10 when i dont have morning class and i go to bed after 12 am. I think the best time to go to bed is at 10 and to wake up is at 5. im totally down with waking up at five but how am i gonna go to bed at 10 when i go home at ten? This has to be figured out real soon before college starts
3. bad eating habit
i dont eat when im hungry. I eat when i feel like eating and that usually happens once a day. When college starts, im gonna eat at least 3 times a day no matter what!!